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Ricky Seaton and the Avengers
Ricky Seaton and the Avengers

Loyds Bank
Loyds Bank
Moldy Warp

Bands who appeared
at the Kings Hall Ilkley

Bands who appeared
at the Kings Hall Ilkley

Vince Philpotts

Vince Philpotts

Pete and Stan with the Earwig trophy which was won in "Best Yorkshire group contest" organised by Coca Cola, Star Cinema and Philips records at the Albert Cinema Brighouse on 29th April 1964.
They were part of the group The Tarantulas in the final and completed against: The Zondas, Clive and the Crestas, The Talismen, The Phantoms, The Ravons, The Gleneagles and The Astrals.
Their prize was an audition for Philips Records and a tour of Star Cinemas
Vince Philpotts
Vince Philpotts

Vince Philpotts
Vince Philpotts
Clive Steele
The Ladykillers

The Ladykillers

The Raiders

The Vikings
The Senators
Vince Philpotts

Johnny Hardcastle

Otley Modern School 5th form Christmas concert. Johnny on guitar and Steven Wilkinson on vocals
The Sons of Sin 1965 – 1967 (R’n B)
Andy Thornton, Tony Ridealgh. Steve Wilkinson, Brian Ellison,
Chris Smith, Drian Duffissey, Stuart Pickersgill, Chris Teal
Returning from Holbeck railway sheds one Sunday morning in 1964, my pal Tony suggested we looked at guitars in the contact shop opposite the Adelphi pub. Tony said "I’m buying that Burns Artiste bass, you'll have to get a guitar".
A Hofner Colorama was bought for £5 on mg 15th birthday 25/3/65, Tony and I cornered Ladykillers guitarist Geoff Chew for a few lessons in Chuck Berry style 12 bars and we were on our way.
Pool Village provided the initial personnel for the Sons Of Sin. P. Johnson on drums, a local farm labourer who gave me a thick ear when I sacked him in favour of his drum teacher, Andy Thornton from Otley.
On vocals, Steve Wilkinson, who like the rest of us thought being in a band would lead to lots of girlfriends soon lost interest when cash investment in a PA system was required and he happily returned to his original pastimes of football, beer, cricket, beer, darts etc.
The band base moved from No. 29 Millcroft estate washouse to Andy's garage and later the top floor of Teals bakery.
Tony left to join the Liberty Takers, a band that did attract lots of girls and was replaced by Chris Teal who looked like Paul McCartney, but lacked the Beatle's bass playing skills. After frustrating rehearsals at Teals bakery, Ellison and I would rush down the stairs, filling our pockets with fresh cream buns and. stuff our faces with them in the bus station.
Brian Ellison (vocals) left to join the Liberty Takers who transformed into Ellisons Hogline, then joined Root and Jennie Jackson, then on to Paul Raven, who became Garry Glitter, Brian was seen on TOTP throughout the 7O's.
1967 the Sons Of Sin broke up, Andy sold his drums for an engagement ring. I threw a tantrum over it in front of his fiancée and she did not speak to me for three years.
The Moldy Warp 1967 - 68 (Soul)
Des Ohara, Geoff Chew, Brian Bailey, Paul Fletcher, Stan Dobson and Vince Philpotts
I set my sights on the Moldy Warp, who had been the best band in the area for a couple of years but had lost out to Ellisons Hogline. What the Moldy Warp needed was new, young blood, I hustled them for six long months and got in.
With another new arrival, Hammond organist Paul Fletcher we introduced the Moldies to "Progressive Rock."
During this period I bought my first decent guitar, £60 for a Gibson Les PauI special. A Fender Showman amp followed soon after.
Karen and The Moldy Warp 1969 (Pop/soul)
Karen Pickersgill, John Hardcastle, Geolf Chew, Trevor Tingle
The Moldy Warp broke up after the band bus bankrupted us. To feed the bus, the band, reformed as a pop group with my friend Karen on vocals. Des O'Hara rejoined on bass and the rest is matrimony. After six months of playing South Yorkshire clubs I gave the job to Stuart Pickersgill.

The Liberty Takers rehearsing at Pool Village Hall. Chris Smith keyboards, Brian Ellison middle right and Alen Pyrah with his back to the camera.
Papas People, a group of Johnny Hardcaste's Kitson College friends.
Pool Village Hall with Sons of Sin, who were support band to the Moldy Warp. On drums Andy Myers, top of the picture is Brian Bailey (vocalist for the Moldy Warp), who stood in on vocals. The band was Brian Duffissey, Stuart Pickersgill, Brian Ellison, Alen Pyrah, Chris Smith and Tony Reidalsh.

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