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 Brian Bailey 

Brian Bailey. (An early recollection)

I first met Brian in the very early sixties. I think it was classed as the ‘Beatnik’ era. Baggy sweaters were all the rage and Brian had one of the baggiest in town which in my book made him a bit of a fashion icon. Along with a few others we started a youth club newspaper, his articles always keenly anticipated were usually completely off the wall but quite brilliant influenced greatly by his love of the popular Goon Show.
I recall that Brian was a good classical singer and competed successfully in the Wharfedale Music Festival although the classical side seemed to be at odds with his musical taste.
Originally he was a mate of my brother who had started playing the guitar. They met in my parents kitchen and played much Buddy Holly and Eddie Cochran. I was introduced into the Combo on biscuit tin and a pair of drum brushes found at a jumble sale. I never did master ‘Peggy Sue’.
A couple of years later I joined the Tarantulas. We decided a singer was required and Brian immediately came to mind. His audition piece was Buddy Holly’s ‘Heartbeat’. This number was chosen based on the fact that I knew the riff and Brian knew the words. He passed with flying colours and the rest is history. 

Pete Dickinson 2016
On stage with the Tarantulas at the Stoney Lea 1964
On stage with the Tarantulas at the Stoney Lea 1964
Brian alongside son Alex both members of Ilkley Cricket Club
The Tarantulas at Leeds Mecca 1964
Brian with the Moldy Warp at the Cavendish Pavilion Bolton Abbey
Devon holiday with a few group members of the Tarantulas 1964
Summertime - Brian with Moldy Warp
Moldy Warp at Keighley Victoria Hall 1990's...L-R Stan Dobson (Bass), Brian Bailey (Vocals), Geoff Chew (guitar).
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